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4 of the silliest swimming pool rules around the world

Think you've heard it all? Think again. There are a number of outdated, whacky and weird laws about swimming pools that are still enforced in America and in other places around the world. Even if breaking them won't land you time in slammer, they may keep you from enjoying a weekend getaway. Save yourself the humiliation and check out these four silly pool rules that actually exist somewhere in the world. 

1. Nobody is allowed to ride a bike in the pool
Just in case you hang out with a bunch of wild BMX-ers, be sure to not let them or anyone else bring their bikes into the pool if you live in Baldwin Park, California. As stated on the website, bikes in the pool are forbidden. As the site typically crowdsources its odd rules, this one may or may not actually have legal consequences. But needless to say, biking in the pool can be dangerous. Not only can you get seriously hurt plummeting bike-first into your salt system pool, but it's no bueno for the water either. If for some reason, your bike, skateboard or other mode of transportation winds up in your pool, it's best to take it out ASAP and get your chemicals balanced. Call Fort Worth, San Diego or Phoenix pool service professionals. 

2. No hot pink pants on a Sunday afternoon
Over the summer, the Australian Times set out to debunk the myths of frivolous laws and believe it or not, this one still stands. No matter the time of year, it's a no-no to wear hot pink pants after midday on Sundays in Victoria – even if you're just lounging by the pool. As the source joked, this should be a crime everywhere at all times. Call in the fashion police!

3. Speedos only in the south of France
In 2011, a hilarious tale of a man who couldn't wear his longer swim trunks to a public pool was published in The Economist. As the story goes, Gulliver – another name for the traveler – had to switch out of his offensively long trousers to sport a pair of required skimpy bathing shorts while on vacation. As it turns out, scandalous men's bathing suits aren't just a prerequisite for that resort, but rather a rule that's promoted at public pools throughout the country, explained the source. At least the men there don't have to worry about tan lines!

4. The backstroke is forbidden
As The Guardian contributor Jenny Landreth pointed out, the backstroke is not O.K. if you're swimming in public waters. It may not even be considerate if you have a lot of people over at your own pool. What's the big deal? Well, Landreth summed it up perfectly and explained that the backwards style of swimming is antisocial. With little knowledge or vision of your surroundings, you can bump into other people who are trying to do their own thing. Imagine if everyone did it – the pool would turn into a terrifying place to swim, what with everyone knocking into the sides or each other.